Do not remove your card whilst it is being accessed (this is when the camera is writing information to the card after taking a photo or you are viewing images you have taken).
Do not remove your memory card when turning your camera on or off.
Do not remove your memory card when the camera is on.
Once you have stored all your images on your computer and archived to another media we recommend that you format your memory card. This will help prevent it from becoming corrupted. Formatting (sometimes also called initializing) deletes all images, files, directories, and camera data and then sets up new folders and data on the card so you are ready to start taking photos again like refreshing your card. NOTE – It’s important to format the card in your camera, not your computer.
Stop taking/viewing pictures when the battery is on very low charge.
Keep your memory card away from magnets.
Avoid extreme temperatures.
If several different memory cards get damaged in one camera, you may suspect there is some issue with your digital camera.
There IS a lifespan of a memory card. A typical flash memory card is capable of about 10,000 write/erase operations. So it is better to throw away a memory card that has used frequently for many years.