Canvas Prints

Our canvas prints include:

• Printing on high quality canvas using archival pigment inks.
• Stretching
• Gallery Wrap, Plain or Blur Wrap.
• Black & White or Sepia conversion (if required)
• Protective matte coating.

• Colour and density enhancement (if required).
• 40mm stretching bars to give 3D effect (normally only 20mm).
• Hanging wire with back felt pads ready to hang.
• Pricing is for a canvas print from digital files but our canvas prints are also available from prints, negatives and slides at small surcharge.



8x10" (20x25cm)


8x12" (20x30cm)


10x12" (25x30cm)


11x14" (28x35cm)


12x16" (30x40cm)


12x18" (30x46cm)


16x20" (40x50cm)


16x24" (40x61cm)


18x24" (46x61cm)


20x24" (50x61cm)


20x30" (50x75cm)


Other sizes available.
Please contact us.



8x8" (20x20cm)


10x10" (25x25cm)


12x12" (30x30cm)


14x14" (35x35cm)


16x16" (40x40cm)


18x18" (46x46cm)


20x20" (50x50cm)




10x20" (20x40cm)


10x30" (20x75cm)


12x24" (30x61cm)


12x40" (30x91cm)


16x30" (40x75cm)


20x40" (50x102cm)


What is a Gallery Wrap?

A gallery wrap is when the photo is printed around the edges of the frame to give it the appearance of depth when hanging on a wall.
You need to remember to leave a little space around the main subject to fit a gallery wrap in. If your picture is a bit close to the edge we have a few techniques to bleed the image around to make space

What is a Blurr Wrap?

A gallery wrap is when the photo is printed around the edges of the frame to give it the appearance of depth when hanging on a wall.
You need to remember to leave a little space around the main subject to fit a gallery wrap in. If your picture is a bit close to the edge we have a few techniques to bleed the image around to make space